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Four Steps to Maximize the Energy Your Solar Panels Generate

Solar energy is highly popular due to its increasing affordability and eco-friendly environmental impact. Solar tiles and panels, once installed, pay for themselves over time because the maintenance costs are low. The solar panel setup cost is an investment, with the break-even for a modern 2,500 sq. ft. house only a few years away.

Follow these tips to maximize the effectiveness of the solar power system

Maximizing the Energy Efficiency of Your Solar Roofing

1. Invest in quality products

Price alone is not the best approach, as poor-quality materials with limited warranties could get you into serious trouble later on. The quality of solar panels affects the ongoing energy output and the panel’s longevity. As an example, with solar photovoltaic cells the purity of silicon drives energy output. Our solar panel installations strive to balance cost with you home energy needs (every house and family have different energy needs) without compromising quality and life span.

2. Install the panels properly

Solar panel efficiency depends on the placement of panels in relation to the sun’s path over your house, and on how we angle them. We take the time to analyze the exact placement to get the maximum amount of sunlight through different seasons of the year. For those of us living in the northern hemisphere, the orientation should be towards the south and if your home has a north/south orientation, solar panel placement will take extra thought!

3. Eliminate obstructions

You do not want to install high-quality solar panels only to find trees casting shade on them. We survey the surrounding area to ensure that we avoid obstructions that could block the sun’s rays from shining on your panels.

4. Keep the panels clean

Try to maintain your solar installation’s cleanliness so that dirt and grime do not accumulate on the panel surface. Solar panels are mostly maintenance-free devices, but a visual inspection and cleaning every few months will keep them operating at peak efficiency.

See also: Top 10 Benefits of Solar Energy Roofing

Contact Century Roof & Solar for the Best Solar Roofing in the Bay Area

For solar panel installation, maintenance and repair, call Century Roof and Solar, a Bay Area solar company that specializes in solar roofing installations and maintenance. We have over two decades of experience in the industry, and are a certified roofing contractor, as well! From installing solar roofing to fixing solar tiles, we can get your solar solution in place and working at maximum efficiency! For more information call 888-233-7548 or use our online contact form to contact us 24/7.